Wart Away

Wart Away

في المخزن

  • For the treatment of common warts on hands and feet
  • Dab only once
  • For adults and children (4 years and over)


Application: Wart Away is a medical device for the treatment of common warts. It contains monochloroacetic acid, a substance having a degrading action on the skin. The wart will dissolve, layer after layer. Monochloroacetic acid will make sure that the cells containing the wart virus disappear


Common wart

Primarily occur on hands and feet;

Same colour as the skin;

Circumference varies from less than a

millimetre to more than a centimetre;

Several warts usually occur simultaneously;

Contamination often occurs through directcontact, but also through towels or door handles;

Scratching and nail biting increase the risk of contamination

The benefits: One benefit of using Wart Away is that a single dab on the wart does not hurt, which means that it can also be used for children (when applied correctly by an adult).

Suitable for children from the age of 4;

For the treatment of common warts on hands and feet;

Only 1 treatment per week;

Painless treatment;

Easy and simple to use.

Instructions for use: Prevent burns:

Use only on hands and feet! Do not use on other body parts;

Rub Vaseline or zinc ointment into the surrounding skin to protect the skin;

Place the bottle on a solid underground that is able to resist the caustic fluid;

Dab the wart/verruca just once when applying;

Dab the wart just once per week;

Allow the liquid to come into the contact with the wart/verruca only;

Avoid contact with the skin;

Allow the liquid to dry properly after applying;

Leave the wart/verruca uncovered;

The result is visible after 1 week;

Keep out of the reach of children

Wart Away has a child proof cap that can be opened as follows:

Place the vial on a solid underground that is able to resist the caustic fluid. Avoid contact with clothes, textile or table-cloths. You can open the vial by pressing down the cap and turning it anticlockwise simultaneously. Before removing the cap entirely from the vial, apply Vaseline or zinc ointment generously to the healthy skin surrounding the wart. Remove the cap from the vial. Then, apply a small amount of Wart Away to the wart using the spatula (do not allow the fluid to drip). Make sure that you only apply Wart Away to the wart and do not dab the wart for more than one time. Allow it to dry for a moment and do not cover the wart. Carefully close the bottle after use. The fluid will need a week to dissolve the top layer of the wart, so you will not see an immediate result after application. Wart Away should not be applied more than once per week. Depending on the size and thickness of the wart, it may be necessary to repeat the treatment with Wart Away after one week.

Warts are contagious, that is why we do not recommend using the product for more than one person.

Ingredients: monochloroacetic acid, purified water. Content: 4 ml bottl

Use in combination with drugs: As far as we know, there are no interactions with drugs.

Possible side effects: Wart Away may cause some side effects, although not everyone will experience these side effects. The side effects that could occur when using Wart Away are: irritated skin, burning sensation, skin redness or oversensitivity reactions. If any of these side effects becomes serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in these instructions for use, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.



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